Maximise your weekend with our Sunday Socials

While nights out are great, don’t you sometimes wish that you could take that same experience and just do it in the afternoon? Public transport still running, you can get to bed at a reasonable time, and it minimises the impact the next day etc…

That’s very doable with an afternoon sesh in the pub but what about a club night or live music? They have always tended to be evening-specific events but that is slowly changing. One such example is DJ Annie Mac, who has launched Before Midnight, a club event that creates the same vibe as a big club night but shifted forward a few hours to start at 6pm and finish by midnight. Watch her video explaining about the idea here.

Afternoons are the new evenings for live music

Well, we have come up with our own Big Afternoon offering. Our Sunday Socials run at The Terrace on the last Sunday of every month. Each one features amazing live bands, such as The Pat Fulgoni Blues Experience and Crosscut Saw. The original idea was to continue the Saturday Socials, that we run as outdoor events in the summer at The West Riding, as indoor events at The Terrace. However, we also realised that there’s a great appetite for that live music experience in the afternoon, which can be hard to find through the winter. It means you can have a dance and a drink, and party like it’s Saturday night, but still get to bed at a decent hour and enjoy a full night’s sleep ready for Monday morning. Let’s face it, it’s a better way to squeeze the most out of your weekend than snoozing off your Sunday dinner.

Free entry

All our live music Sunday Socials are free to attend and require no ticket. They’re on from 3-5pm so whether they help you to make the most of what remains of the weekend or set you up for moving on somewhere else, they can really brighten your Sunday afternoons up.