World renowned blues stars and 30+ cask beers are coming to Dewsbury in September

We’re putting the blues into Dewsbury. In September, The West Riding at Dewsbury Train Station will be hosting some of the best blues artists, many of them fresh from the long established Great British Rhythm and Blues Festival in Colne, over 3 days from 13 – 15 September.

Plus, we’ll be doing what the West does best and combining blues with a full on beer festival. We’ll have over 30 cask beers on offer plus special collaboration brews, including a bespoke blueberry beer. Even the food will be beer-inspired, with beer infused sausages on the barbecue, cooked to perfection by Scran & Sup.

The line-up

Huddersfield’s own blues royalty, Pat Fulgoni, has put together a blues line-up to make any fan weep. Here’s the full programme:

Friday 13 September:

4:00pm: Scott Wainwright                       

6:00pm: The Rusty Nails Band                 

7:30pm: Kyla Brox (Duo)                          

9:15pm: Pat Fulgoni Blues Experience    

Saturday 14 September

3:00pm: Strange Brew

5:10pm: Antar Goodwin

6:10pm: Mojo Catfish

7:30pm: Dave Arcari

9:15pm: DC Blues

Sunday 15 September

3:00pm:  Ryan Spendlove

5:30pm:  Wadcutter Blues

7:15pm:  Blind Pig Gang

9:00pm: Crosscut Saw

A first for Dewsbury

This is the first blues festival to take place in Dewsbury, and what else could we call it but Bluesbury?! Blues fans are expected to come in from far and wide to see such a programme of well-respected musicians, but you don’t have to be a huge blues aficionado to come and love it. The range of the line-up is very accessible so anyone who enjoys live music will have an amazing time.

In fact, many will come for the beer because if The West Riding knows anything about anything, it’s beer! We’ll have 30+ cask beers and collaboration beers with local breweries so it’s as much about the beers as it is the blues, and we’ll be serving from 10am on the Friday.

Free entry!

Where could you expect to go and see this standard of musical talent for free? There are no tickets and you don’t have to book, just come and enjoy the show, soak up the atmosphere, try some new beers and just have a great time.

The Bluesbury Festival is being run in collaboration with Huddersfield Blues Club and sponsored by Yorkshire Beers Ltd.

Keep checking the Bluesbury Facebook page for new announcements and sneak peeks!